Every Friday & Saturday on North Street Guildford (runs parallel to High Street) there is a farmers market with stalls of fresh fruit & veg, local produce, cakes and flowers.
We tend to go there in the afternoon on the Saturday because they are trying to sell everything they can, so they have lots of specials for a pound, it is quite fun to hear the different stalls all yelling out "Everything in a bag only a pound" or "2 pineapples only a pound, fresh & lovely, come & get em before their gone" etc. The loudest of them all is a girl of about 20 - she is funny and always draws a crowd for her £1 bags of goodies.
You can get some seriously good deals - check out the bag of bananas we got for £1:
24 Bananas only a pound
We also got these satsumas for a pound and the 4 avocados for a pound.
All up we spend about £5 and get enough fruit & veg for the week. Bargain.